empowering girls to shine with confidence, embrace their Uniqueness and Impact the world.

With a heart for girls to live their lives healthy and whole, God gave me S.E.M.P.LY Girls. This movement is all about helping girls learn and understand that the healthier they are on the inside (mentally and emotionally), the more effective they will be as they impact the world in the beautiful and unique way God has purposed them to.
— Natalie Pickett/Founder

What does S.E.M.P.LY Stand For?

It is an acronym that stands for: Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically Loving You.

Short and sweet: It’s living healthy from the inside out.

  • We believe God has given you a specific purpose that will change the world. In order to make a true impact, you need positive and genuine spirit. Your spirit is everything. When your spirit is right, you will impact others for the better.

  • We’re all about handling our emotions like the incredible individuals we are. We get it, being human means feeling all sorts of emotions, but we've got the tools to support you in responding reacting in a healthy manner.

  • Rocking the right mindset is key. This means we thinking positively, make wise decisions, and find joy in learning and expanding our knowledge in various exciting areas.

  • Good physical health gives you the energy and endurance to shine in everything you do. It's essential to look after your body. We're here to encourage you to eat healthily, stay active, get regular check-ups, and be your best self!

  • We’re all about developing a strong and meaningful relationship with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Speak kind to yourself and do kind things for yourself. Love who God created you to be imperfections and all. You’re worth it and you are enough

Hey Girl!

GEt Involved!

  • We provide virtual and in-person opportunities to learn about all things that pertain to being a S.E.M.P.LY Girl i.e. self-worth, self-confidence and leadership to name a few. Scroll down to see our current offerings.

  • We give back to the community and serve those in need. Be on the lookout for ways that we will give back to the community

  • We are new to Instagram! Share with tweens/teens who use this platform or yes family member, you can follow us too!

  • We partner with business, companies and organizations to share the positive message of girl power.